“Consulting with Judy was one of the best career decisions I’ve ever made. The process was invaluable and I highly recommend her to anyone looking to make positive changes in their career.”
I work with people who want to earn a living doing work they love. Nailing that money-satisfaction balance is key so if you’re all about the money, I’m probably not for you.
Most of my consulting clients are self-employed but some have traditional jobs. A lot of them are solo- or duopreneurs (having lived and worked with the same guy for over 20 years – that’s over 190 thousand hours of togetherness – I’m pretty well versed on the partnership thing). Many of my clients are dealing with change in some way. Some are fighting it, some are paralyzed by it, some are dying for it.
My approach is all about giving you the tools you need to move forward successfully – tools you can use again and again as you face new challenges, new changes, new decisions and pursue new dreams. My job is to make you not need me anymore.
If you’re looking for a catalyst – a spark that will get you moving, if you’re seeking pragmatic, real world guidance that will help you figure out where you’re going and how to get there, if you’d love a sounding board who’s a damned creative problem solver and innovator, and, above all, if you’re willing to do some serious soul-searching, to question your assumptions, roll up your sleeves and work for what you want, I can help.
If you’re looking for a get rich quick scheme, a silver bullet that will solve all your problems or easy answers – don’t bother calling. I can tell you right now they don’t exist. There, I’ve helped you already.
Wanna learn more?
Drop me a line and I’ll send you the full skinny on how this consulting thing works.
“I’ve worked with Judy and have to say it was the best. She really helped me by asking the hard questions. Some I had thought about but never really delved into. Some I had not even considered but found they were some of the reasons I and my business felt stagnant. Her consulting was worth every penny. It has really transformed how I think of my business and what I am doing”