Many of my consulting clients have found the following exercises valuable:
Satisfaction Exercises:
After finishing your Values Analysis, use this tool to flesh out a vision for the career you’re trying to start, grow, diversify and/or reinvent.
A clear understanding of what’s truly important to you lets you make decisions that will increase your chances of a match between your career and your core values.
Identify how to increase your career satisfaction by assessing what you want more of and less of as well as what you want to stop and start doing.
Decision Making Exercises
Simplify complex decisions by evaluating the criteria that influence the decision and prioritizing them so you clearly understand which truly tip the scales one way or the other.
Ideal for making difficult decisions that involve a lot of factors, like changing your job, career or major, moving to a new city, going back to school or transferring to a different one.
If you are feeling overwhelmed, paralyzed or unsure where to start, this will helps you get moving by getting everything out of your head and into a system that will allow you to organize, prioritize and take action.
Understanding the Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors and trends that create opportunities or pose threats for you and for your clients, can help you sense which way the wind is blowing early enough to take preventive action and stay out of the storm!
Interviewing people who have already built the career you aspire to is the perfect way to learn what the experience of living that career trajectory is actually like, gain insights from someone who’s been there and network with people who just might be able to give you a leg up (or a job)!